
Showing posts from October, 2023

Harry Potter Theory: Dursleys & the Horcrux

A prevalent theory circulating in the Harry Potter fandom posits that the Dursleys' mistreatment of Harry was a consequence of his unknowing harboring of a horcrux within him. Advocates of this theory often draw parallels to Ron's mood deterioration when wearing a horcrux as evidence. However, I aim to counter this notion with a comprehensive examination of the narrative and character dynamics. Buckle up as we embark on a journey to debunk this theory and shed light on the complexities of the Dursleys' behavior towards Harry. Let’s dive in! Petunia Evans-Dursley First off, let’s address the glaringly obvious. Literally in the opening paragraph of Sorcerer's Stone, it describes the Dursley family as thus:  “Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn't hold with such nonsense.

Welcome Welcome!

Greetings, Adventurers, and welcome to the House of Adventure! It's fantastic to have you here, and I'm excited to help you kick off your journey into the world of mythological connections within our favorite TV shows and movies. In the realm of storytelling, myths and legends have always played a crucial role. They are the timeless threads that connect us to our collective human history, and often, they find themselves interwoven into the very fabric of our modern narratives. As a psychology student, you bring a unique perspective to this exploration, as the psychological aspects of these connections can be truly fascinating. As we embark on this mythological adventure together, we will delve deep into the fascinating stories and characters that captivate our hearts and minds. We will uncover the hidden symbols, archetypes, and allegories that creators cleverly embed within the shows and movies we adore. From the hero's journey in "Maya and the Three" to the symb