
Showing posts from December, 2023

Harry Potter theory: Expert Level (Blood Magic Part 6)

Hello again, my loverly friends !  It has been QUITE a crazy journey if I do say so myself.  The end of November, I came down with a sinus infection that lingered. Thankfully, I am finally feeling better. Got some amazing goodies from Secret Santa exchanges through Imgur and SCB . Highly recommended for both. Even got my doggies some holiday goodness as well!  But! That is not why we are here. We have gathered here to review the final occurrence of Blood Magic within the Harry Potter universe. And as you guessed it, I'm talking about HORCRUXES! BUM BUM BUUUUUM!!! Yes, Horcruxes, with their disgustingly vile creation ritual and even more disgusting representation of what it means to be "immortal".  Shall we...? Horcruxes First thing, let's discuss this little snippet I found on the HP Archive website, compiled by the creator herself.  I would just like to take a moment to say that I HAVE BEEN RIGHT ALL ALONG! If anyone caught it, the creepy baby-like creature that Wor

Harry Potter theory: Advanced Level (Blood Magic Part 5)

Greetings, fellow wanderers of the digital realms!  Welcome back to the enchanting universe of Harry Potter. In my last post , we explored Intermediate Level Blood Magic. Today, we're diving headfirst into Advanced Level Blood Magic within the Wizarding World.  So, strap in, grab your quills, and let's continue the journey where spells, secrets, and speculation collide!  Unbreakable Vow  The Unbreakable Vow is a magical contract characterized by its absolute binding nature, and while it involves an “unbreakable” agreement, there is no explicit mention of blood magic in its creation. However, we can explore how the Unbreakable Vow shares some thematic similarities with blood magic.  The Unbreakable Vow is introduced in "Half-Blood Prince" during the Spinner's End chapter, where Narcissa Malfoy makes a life-or-death promise to Severus Snape regarding Draco Malfoy's task. The vow is sealed with a magical binding, signifying the serious consequences of failing to

Harry Potter theory: Intermediate Level (Blood Magic Part 4)

Welcome to December, my adventurers!!!  Let's start of this month with our next step in exploring Blood Magic within the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. With my last post , I went over the single instance I could find of Novice Level.  Today, I'm going to introduce you to Intermediate Level Blood Magic!  Umbridge’s “Blood Quill” In “Order of the Phoenix”, Dolores Umbridge uses an enchanted Black Quill as a form of punishment. As Harry writes his lines during detention, the quill shows his blood as the ink on the page. “Again and again Harry wrote the words on the parchment in what he soon came to realize was not ink, but his own blood.” The Blood Quill is a pretty dark and malevolent magical instrument that causes the words written with it to be etched into the skin of the person holding the quill. The act of writing becomes a physically painful experience as the quill draws blood from the writer, leaving scars and serving as a disgusting form of corporal punishment. The inten