Harry Potter theory: Novice Level (Blood Magic Part 3)


Welcome back, my dearies. Let us jump back into the wonderful world of wizardry! 

Previously, we addressed the different levels of magic based on education and experience. If you recall, I pointed out a few spells and potions, for reference, that would fall into each category. 

Well! Now, let's jump into the single occurrence I found of Blood Magic at the Novice Level

Lily's Sacrifice

Throughout the Harry Potter series, the enchantment left on Harry as a result of Lily's sacrifice is referred to numerous times as "ancient magic". One specific instance is during Voldemort's speech in the graveyard of his father.

"Dumbledore invoked an ancient magic, to ensure the boy’s protection as long as he is in his relations’ care"

Lily Potter's sacrifice for Harry can be interpreted as a form of accidental blood magic due to the profound magical consequences it triggers. The sacrificial protection Lily provides is not a planned ritual but an instinctive act driven by her love for Harry. The accidental nature of this blood magic lies in the fact that Lily's sacrifice creates a powerful magical bond between her blood and Harry, leading to the protection known as the "Mother's Protection".

The specifics of the sacrifice are also just as important as the result. First of all, Voldemort made a promise to Snape that he would spare Lily's life. While not exactly an Unbreakable Vow or an official pact, promises have importance within the magical realm. For example, in Fae culture, promises are as binding as a signed contract because it's part of the internal magic of their species. The Fae are not able to break a promise the same way humans can't reverse aging. Second, in order to fulfill his promise to Snape, Voldemort gave Lily the option to run and she CHOSE to stand in front of her infant.

When Lily WILLINGLY sacrifices herself to protect Harry from Lord Voldemort's Killing Curse, that act of selflessness and love leaves an enduring mark on Harry’s soul. The magical protection is ACTIVATED by the dark curse used against him moments later, and it serves as a shield against any harm that he might face from Voldemort. 

If you consider the situation, Voldemort was punished not only for trying to prevent a divine prophecy, but also for breaking a promise to a loyal follower. Thoughts?

This accidental blood magic not only explains why Harry survived the Killing Curse as a baby but also, as we all know, plays a pretty crucial role in the events of Harry's life. Later, we learn from Dumbledore that the protection remains in effect as long as Harry can call the Dursleys' home his own, which is why Harry was forced to go back to them during the summer while the teachers were not at Hogwarts to protect him.

Food for thought: This moment also highlights the potency of unintended magical consequences in the wizarding world.

Classification - Novice to Intermediate
Reason - While the act of sacrifice is powerful, it doesn't necessarily require advanced magical knowledge to allow someone to kill you.

Unfortunately, that's the only Novice Level occurrence of blood-magic I have found so far. Let me know if you have any ideas for me to add!

Until next time, you know where I'll be...

- The Researcher -
