The Five Agreements

Hello, fine friends! 

Life can bring us to weird places... 

So it's nice to look back at where we've been to see how far we've come. Recently, I found something that I wrote while I was experiencing a very dark time and I would like to share it with you. This was written while I was an In-Patient at American Behavioral Health Systems. 

It is about the interconnectedness of our life experiences and the impact of addiction, focusing on the Five Agreements and the importance of Awareness. The piece emphasizes the role of perception versus reality and the power of truth in transforming unhealthy habits into healthy ones. It also delves into the concept of unconditional love and its connection to overcoming addiction. 

I encourage readers to embrace new insights and remain aware of their individual perspectives while navigating through conflicts and disagreements. The journey of self-discovery and the pursuit of a higher state of Awareness for a more fulfilling life is a personal one, and I hope this resonates with those who read it. 

Everything happens for a reason. Good or bad, the universe guides us through our life experiences. It is when we deny ourselves a connection with the universe that we turn to addiction to fill the void created by our negative experiences. This addiction can be to alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, shopping, etc. According to the Five Agreements, the core of addiction begins with self-doubt and a disconnection from our own spiritual energy. It is this disconnection that hinders our ability to love ourselves and embrace healthy coping skills. The experiences I’ve had with my own spiritual journey has opened my eyes to who we can be when we embrace new insights on perception versus reality. 

One of the main concepts of the Agreements is Awareness. The ancient Toltecs teach us that we are all a product of our own beliefs, and interpretations of those beliefs. “Life is totally dominated by the system of beliefs that you learned.” To me, that is a reminder to be mindful of our individual perspectives, while communicating the message we are meant to share with the world. It is how we remain impeccable with our word. Awareness is also how we can change the reality we live in by lifting ourselves to a point where our perception is not colored by another person’s opinion. As humans, we try to control others to bring comfort to ourselves in times of stress. By remembering not to take their actions and choices personally, we free ourselves from the unneeded pain and guilt. They aren’t evil, we are all simply human. Conflicts between humans can be quite healthy when we accept the truth of why we disagree. Never make assumptions about someone’s perception, as they are often misconstrued and miscommunicated. The real conflict, according to the Third Agreement, is between the truth and lies. It tells us “Lies are just a distortion of the word, a distortion of the meaning of a message.” When we focus only on truth, we see through the lies and reach a higher state of Awareness. This Higher Awareness brings with it the confidence to always do our best, despite how oppressive our environment may be. Culminating in a new level of personal Heaven of Earth. 

By practicing the Four Agreements actively, we can transform unhealthy habits into healthy ones. The Fifth Agreement reminds us to be skeptical about the “truths” of others. When we stop believing everything we’re told, we learn to put that faith in ourselves. Right and wrong cease to matter. Only truth. With truth comes a new respect, and with respect comes unconditional love. When we can learn to love one another unconditionally, we lose the need to substitute that craving with our addictions. Everything we have learned comes to a point of clarity and allows us to bring new meaning to our life experiences. 

Where does this leave us now? How do we learn to love ourselves unconditionally? What do healthy coping skills look like? First, we must accept this new truth: Everything happens for a reason. There is no such thing as coincidence. We, as humans, are used to allowing our negative experiences to change our perception of life. And truth. The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield suggests that human conflict is the result of a shortage of, and manipulation for, the energy provided to us by the love of others. He tells us that the universe is a vast system of this energy, but humans and been taught to rely on each other for this energy instead. When dealing with grief and loss especially, remaining connected to this unlimited source of energy pushes us through the negative and into Awareness.

We all grapple with our own battles, seeking meaning and understanding amid the chaos. Reflecting on these thoughts, I'm reminded that the journey of life is more than just a series of survival missions; it's an adventure meant to be enjoyed. Despite the complexities of our lives, there's still our humanity that binds us together. 

So, let's navigate this journey with a touch of resilience, a dash of humor, and an appreciation for the fact that, in the end, we're all in this together. Life's journey is our story to write, and every page is an opportunity to find joy, even in the most unexpected places.

- The Researcher -
