
Showing posts from November, 2023

Harry Potter theory: Novice Level (Blood Magic Part 3)

 BOODLE-OODLE-OO!!!  Welcome back, my dearies. Let us jump back into the wonderful world of wizardry!  Previously , we addressed the different levels of magic based on education and experience. If you recall, I pointed out a few spells and potions,   for reference,  that would fall into each category.  Well! Now, let's jump into the single occurrence I found of Blood Magic at the Novice Level .  Lily's Sacrifice Throughout the Harry Potter series, the enchantment left on Harry as a result of Lily's sacrifice is referred to numerous times as "ancient magic". One specific instance is during Voldemort's speech in the graveyard of his father. "Dumbledore invoked an ancient magic, to ensure the boy’s protection as long as he is in his relations’ care" Lily Potter's sacrifice for Harry can be interpreted as a form of accidental blood magic due to the profound magical consequences it triggers. The sacrificial protection Lily provides is not a planned

Harry Potter theory: Levels of Magic (Blood Magic Part 2)

Welcome back, my lovable adventurers!!! Before delving into the details of Blood Magic , let's establish a framework for categorizing levels of experience within the magical community. While these levels aren't canon in the Harry Potter universe, they draw inspiration from Pagan culture. The goal is to align these levels with magical proficiency in the wizarding world. I'll identify specific spells within the Harry Potter universe that fit into each category, providing an easier understanding of magical expertise and progression. Pagan Culture-Inspired Levels of Experience: In Pagan and magical traditions, there often exists a framework for categorizing practitioners based on their levels of experience and expertise. These categories may include Acolyte, Novice, Initiate, Adept, Master, and High Priest/Priestess, among others. Each level represents a progression in magical knowledge, skills, and spiritual understanding. Application to Harry Potter Universe: While the specif

Harry Potter theory: Blood Magic (Part One)

Greetings, fellow magic enthusiasts! Get ready for a doozy of a theory cause this one will knock those wizard socks off! There’s an intricate tapestry of magic in the Harry Potter universe that extends far beyond simple wand movements and incantations. With this exploration, we delve into the fascinating concept of blood magic – a powerful magic, often overlooked, but fundamental to the fabric of Harry Potter’s world. This post will unravel the subtleties and intricacies of traditional blood magic that already exist within the enchanting corridors of J.K. Rowling's creation. Disclaimer: It's important to note that while these connections are all plausible within the broader magical framework of the series, J.K. Rowling hasn't explicitly delved into the specifics of blood magic in her universe. The interpretation here is based on the general themes and principles observed in the Harry Potter books and movies. The content provided in this blog post is intended for information

Harry Potter theory: Peverell Family

Greetings, magical mates!   Recently I was chatting with Jason Bussey in the SuperCarlinBros Discord server and he had quite an interesting theory about the Peverell brothers.  As we navigate through this theory, I will delve into canon sources, offering as much detail as possible to enrich your understanding. Join me in this enthralling exploration of J.K. Rowling's cherished universe, where I'll not only share my insights and opinions but also provide a nuanced perspective that may reshape your perception. So, ready your wands, don those wizarding robes, and accompany me on this captivating journey into the history of magic and intrigue. This post combines theory and extrapolation, grounded in the known canon to offer a comprehensive exploration of the subject at hand. ( Note: As there is very little recorded history of the Peverell brothers, most of this post is full of heavily imagined possibilities. The references used come from numerous sources, including the HP Fandom

Intermission due to Sickness

Dedicated readers, I regret to inform you that I'm currently fighting a sinus infection. Unfortunately, it is preventing me from indulging in the wonderful world of media for more than 15 minutes at a time. It's a tough spot for someone who loves exploring the depths of storytelling as much as I do. But fear not, for this is just a temporary setback!  I'll be back to binge-watching, analyzing, and sharing my thoughts with you as soon as I can. In the meantime, I encourage you to catch up on some of the fantastic content we've gone over in the past, re-read some of your favorite blog posts, or recommend future adventures for the House of Adventure. I appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. And when I'm back in full viewing strength, we'll pick up right where we left off, diving back into exciting tales and unraveling the mysteries of Maya and the Three! Thank you for being the awesome readers you are, and I can't wait to return with more